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Romans 1:16 - For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


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We tend to define belief as the acceptance of something
as real or true.
But biblical belief is more than just an intellectual acceptance
or a heartfelt acknowledgement;
it is a commitment to FOLLOW.
Following by definition requires more than mental assent,
it calls for MOVEMENT.
One of the reasons our churches can become "fan-factories"
is that we have separated the message of "believe" from
the message"FOLLOW".
After separating the two messages they get out of balance.

Jesus requires a relationship with you that will hold you accountable to be a FOLLOWER.
He requires "movement" on our behalf, remember the bibles teaches that even the demons believe, Satan believes.
A true relationship with Jesus Christ will COST you something.
Lets turn our Belief into Movement, into FOLLOWING.

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