There have always been men in the pulpit who gather crowds because they
are gifted orators, interesting storytellers, entertaining speakers, dynamic
personalities, shrewd crowd-manipulaters, rousing speech-makers, popular
politicians, or erudite scholars.
Such preaching may be popular but far from powerful.
No one can preach with power who does not preach the word.
And no faithful preacher will water down or neglect the whole counsel
of God.
Proclaiming the word - all of it - is the pastor's calling.
"So preaching the Word must be the very heart of our ministry."
Preaching the Word is not always easy !!!
The message we are required to proclaim is often offensive !!!
Christ Himself is a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense (Romans 9:33; 1Peter 2:8).
The message of the cross is a stumbling block to some (Gal.5:11), and mere foolishness to
others ( 1 Cor. 1:23).
Why do you suppose Paul wrote, " I am not ashamed of the gospel" (Rom.1:16) ?
Surely it is because so many Christians are ashamed of the very message we are
Commanded to proclaim.
Today more than ever we need preachers that will stand in the pulpit and handle their
calling with fearless abandonment, to preach the Word of God, to preach Jesus Christ
"The ultimate power of the cross"
This is certainly no time for weak men, weak messages, and weak ministeries.
What is needed is moral strength and courage and uncompromising proclamation of the
Preachers, we must Reprove, Rebuke, Exhort !!!
The preacher who fails to reprove and rebuke is NOT FULFILLING HIS COMMISSION !!!
Peoples deepest need is to confess and overcome their sin......................
So preaching that fails to confront and correct sin through the Word of God does NOT
Reproving, Rebuking, and Exhorting is the same as preaching thee Word, for those are the
very same ministries Scripture accomplishes: " All Scripture is breathed out by God and
profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness" ( 2 Tim. 3:16)
"Preachers and Teachers please make a commitment to stand in the pulpit and preach the
Word of God and Christ crucified"
"Be Fearless, Bold, Direct, not people pleaser's, but use your gift to correct and build up."
Stand Firm and Preach the Word, there is nothing else to preach !!!!!!!
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