The Gospel is not all good news.
In fact it is not good news at all for those who turn away from Christ.
Paul starts with "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness
and unrighteousness of men."
Paul then spends more than 2 full chapters proving that all humanity is sinful and under
the wrath of God.
God's wrath is almost missing entirely from modern presentations of the gospel.
It is not fashionable to speak of God's wrath against sin or to tell people that they
should fear God.
Today's typical presentation starts exactly opposite where Paul started.
He wrote of "the wrath of God.................against all ungodliness and unrighteousness
of men."
But today's modern evangelism begins with "God loves you and wants to make you happy."
Take off the filters !!
Don't worry about your tone !!
Fearless preaching is needed !!
After all is it not still true that we humans are "flawed, sinful, fallen creatures ?
I am convinced that we need to hear just as many "negative messages" as "positive messages."
Stand up, preach the truth and reveal the "Wrath of God."
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