Do Not Compromise Sound Teaching & Fearless Preaching !!
As we read through the book that Paul wrote to Timothy we see Paul's charge to
young Timothy.
"For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but they have itching
ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions." (2 Tim.4:3).
2 Timothy 4:3 - 2 Timothy 3:1 - 1 Timothy 4:1 Three passages of Paul's warnings to younger
Timothy that difficult times were to come.
Notice that all these passages are referring directly to "those in the church" not outsiders or UNbelievers.
Therefore FEARLESS PREACHING is all the more necessary in such 'dangerous times'.
When people 'in the church' will not tolerate the truth, that's when COURAGEOUS, OUTSPOKEN PREACHERS are most desperately needed to speak it and teach it.
Why are people unwilling to endure 'Sound Teaching' ??
Simply because of their "Love For Sin."
SOUND TEACHING & FEARLESS PREACHING, as we all know and have seen,
confronts and rebukes sin, and people in love with sinful lifestyles will not tolerate such
Sound Teaching.
They only seek to have their ears tickled and to hear what they are comfortable with.
Paul employs the expression "SOUND TEACHING" in 1 Timothy 1,, in verses 9 and 10 of this
chapter, he speaks of the law as being "for the lawless and disobedient", for the ungodly and sinners,
for the unholy and profane, men who practice homosexuality, enslavers, liars, perjurers, and whatever
else is contrary to sound doctrine".
A society filled with these people will in no means be tolerant of 'sound teaching'.
Notice this "Pastors and Teachers", Paul does NOT suggest that the way to reach such a
society as this would be to 'soften' or 'adapt' the message so that 'such people' will be comfortable
with it.
Just the exact opposite is true !! Such ear-tickling is abominable.
Paul urges Timothy to be 'willing to suffer' for the truths sake and to keep preaching the word
That is the ONLY WAY intolerant people can be exposed to the truth, which alone can soften
their hearts.
Isn't this precisely the state of the church in our society today ??
In fact marketing experts are pointing out to church leaders the whole basis of
their philosophy is that people don't want to hear the truth proclaimed; they want to be entertained !!
The majority of today's society cannot stomach sound doctrine.
They would never tolerate for two weeks strong biblical teaching that refutes their doctrinal error,
confronts their sin, convicts them, and calls them to obey the truth.
They do not want to hear healthy teaching.
Why ? Because people in the church want to own God without giving up sinful lifestyles, and they
will not endure someone telling them just exactly what God's word say's about it.
What do they want to hear ??
"Having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to 'suit their own sinful passions". (v3)
Ironically, they seek out teachers. In fact, they heap to themselves teachers - but in no way sound ones.
They choose the ones that tell them exactly what they want to hear without confronting them of their sinful lifestyles.
Preachers we need not be afraid to offend, you are not in the position of preaching and teaching
to make friends or chase the numbers by drawing in sinners by the thousands with, film, musical shows,
worldly performances, skits, etc.
If you are going to stand in the pulpit in today's society you must be Bold, Fearless, Sound Teaching,
The truth of God does NOT tickle our ears, it BOXES them.
It BURNS them. It first reproves them, rebukes, convicts - then exhorts and encourages.
Lastly, read the message in (John 6), after Jesus delivered a hard message, scripture tells us that
crowds left, disciples turned back, (v66).
Notice that there is a difference between true disciples and hangers-on.........Do not be afraid to find them apart.
Until next time,
Love and Peace...................
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