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Romans 1:16 - For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes

Saturday, May 11, 2013


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Have you ever been at a point where you feel like God just is not moving in your life?

I can admit that yes I have been there.

We must realize that God is always at work weather we see it or not.
So many times we need to just get out of the way, and LET GOD BE GOD !!!!

We must realize that God wants and needs for us to give Him control, yes we need to Surrender our will to Him.
We must Surrender all of ourselves to Him, Allow Him to get into the drivers seat.

The only problem then is that we must remain in complete surrender, without trying to snatch back our will from Him.

God wants to use everyone on this earth, yes everyone on this earth has a calling.
But there is a difference between the calling and the sending.

We are all called but we need to wait to be sent, how can you take off and not even know what it is that God is wanting you to do??

Lets just wait patiently to hear from God, be ready to do whatever it is.
Continue to be obedient, and submissive, but most of all just "LET GOD BE GOD"

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