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Romans 1:16 - For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes

Tuesday, December 31, 2013


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I want to challenge the way we usually think about dreams and success.

I want you to keep dreaming big, but do so in line with God's will.
I want you to dream big by faith !!

Our dreams are usually shaped by what we think is the best,
most fulfilling way to spend our time in this world.

We don't want to be failures.
We only get one life and we want to use it well.

So we dream about the kind of success we desire, and we eventually pursue those dreams.


If we are going to live by faith in a good God, we have to rethink our culture's idea about "success" and shape our goals around His.

Our culture thinks that success is "being important" or "famous",
being the CEO of a company, an athlete, but we wouldn't think the same about
the CEO's secretary or the middle school basketball coach.
He hasn't called us to worldly success.

But the truth is, God hasn't commanded us to become CEOs or famous athletes.
He's called us to faithfulness.

We need to adjust our goals, and further, adjust our dreams.

SUCCESS comes from living your life inside the will of God !!!!!! 

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