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Romans 1:16 - For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes

Monday, July 8, 2013


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God had given Adam and Eve specific words to follow,
but they failed to view the word of God as the supreme
They allowed someone else's word to carry weight.
They treated Gods word as a lesser authority,
putting their own desires above His.

Whenever we disobey His commands, we are rejecting
His authority and asserting our own.
We basically say, "God, You may be the author of my life,
but your not the authority in my life.
I choose what I do, not you.
I'm in control here, not you."

From this point of view we can see that we are no different
than Adam and Eve.
Yes, the same Adam and Eve that created this whole mess,
created the curse between God and His creation.
We are rejecting Him and simply saying,
I can do it my way..........

Lets really think about this and surrender our will 
and our life over to the care of God.
Lets say God, my life is yours, have it your way God.

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