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Romans 1:16 - For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes

Thursday, February 7, 2013


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Many church's and preachers today believe that there
will be no warning of Christs return.
They simply take the verses out of context and run with them.

1Thes.5:2  -  2Ptr.3:10  -  Rev.16:15

These verses all state that Jesus will come as a "Thief in the night."

As we read either before or after all these verses we will CLEARLY SEE
that we should be ready, warned that if not prepared His return
will over take us as a thief in the night.

In Matthew.24:29-31. we clearly see that His coming will be AFTER 
the Tribulation, the sun is darkened, the moon shall not give her light,
stars shall fall from heaven, the powers of heaven shall be shaken,
my friends, I dont know how one could miss all of this.
There is no possible way you could miss a star falling from heaven.

Jesus will ONLY come as a THIEF IN THE NIGHT to those who are
unprepared !!!!!

All questions and comments are welcome as long as they are clean.

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