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Romans 1:16 - For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tis The Season

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As we are in the Christmas Season I cant help but to think of the true meaning behind it all.
First thing that comes to mind is baby Jesus was born.
The celebration of the life of Jesus, our Savior, the second Adam.
But the greatest thing that comes to mind is through this life of Blessings
must come the Death, through His Death comes everyones, Forgiveness, Healing, Salvation.
More than the celebration of Jesus birth, I think of the reason why He was born.
He was born to show us how to live, and, He was born to die.
His death is as important as His birth.
So as we go about our days in this season, lets remember the true meaning of Christmas.
Jesus had to be born on this day so that in turn He could give His life so that we could have life.

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