To Enlarge Our Hearts
Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. - (Matthew 24:30)
Some people really get into Bible prophecy, attending every Bible prophecy conference and reading every Bible prophecy book. But if it isn’t changing the way they live, then they are missing the point. Prophecy wasn’t given to inflate our brains; it was given to enlarge our hearts. It was given to draw us closer to God. And the bottom line is that judgment is coming.
As believers, we will finish our lives on this earth one day and will give an account for how we have lived. We will give an account for what we have done with our time and for what we have done with the gifts that God gave us. Did we develop them? Did we cultivate them? Did we use them for His glory? What did we do with our resources? Did we invest in His kingdom? What did we do with our lives in general? We will be rewarded—or not rewarded—according to how we have lived.
There is also coming a day when nonbelievers will stand before God. The Book of Life will be opened, and for them it will be too late. They will not be judged on the basis of their deeds, but according to what they did with Jesus.
In the end, it is not so much a sin question as it is a Son question: What did you do with Jesus Christ, the Son of God? If you believed in Him, then you have been forgiven. You are going to heaven. But if you rejected Him, then you won’t be.
The first time, Jesus came to this earth in humility and died on the cross. But the second time, He will come to this earth with power.
So live your life well. Live it for the glory of God.
Love and Peace....................................
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