To be a Christian is to be a warrior.
The good soldier of Jesus Christ must not expect to find ease in this world: it is to us a battle-field !!!
Neither must I reckon upon the friendship of the world; for that would be enmity against God.
His occupation is war. We must be warned of the danger; " this prepares me for warfare;
this prophesies opposition."
Difficulties will meet us even in standing our ground; for the apostle, bid us two or three times to - "Stand"
In the rush of any fight , men are apt to be carried off their legs.
But if we can keep our footing, we will be victorious; but if we are borne down by the rush of the adversary, Everything is lost.
You are told and taught to put on all of the heavenly armor in order that you may Stand;
and you will need it to maintain the position in which your Captain has placed you !!
It is very clear that our defense and our conquest must be obtained by Sheer Fighting.
Many will try compromise; But if you are a True Christian, you can never do this business well, no there is no room for compromise.
For Christ did not compromise when He came to earth to defeat sin !!
The adversary is is the father of lies, and those that are with him understand the art of equivocation; but saints abhor it !!
If we even attempt to discuss terms of peace, and attempt to gain something by it we have entered upon a course in which we shall return in utter disgrace !!
We have never been given any order from our Captain to to patch up a truce, and get as good a term as we can.
We are not sent out to offer concessions.............
We are sent to win, to defeat, to slay the adversary, to take a stand !!!!!!!
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