In recent years church leaders, eager to be innovative have built a set of
presuppositions that are completely unbiblical.
"The church is not a 'lodge', 'social gathering', or in a position of 'recruiting members."
It is not a community center where parties and the such are to be held !!
The church is "the body of Christ." (1 Cor.12:27), and church meetings are strictly
for corporate worship and instruction.
The church's only legitimate goal is "to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for
building up the body of Christ." (Eph.4:12) vital growth not mere numerical expansion.
The notion that church meetings should be used to attract non-Christians is relatively
a recent development.
Nothing like it is ever found in scripture...........The apostle Paul spoke of un-believers
entering the assembly as an exceptional event (1 Cor. 14:23).
(Hebrews. 10:24-25) indicates that church services are for the "benefit of believers" not
" And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works not neglecting
to meet together."
Acts 2:42 shows us the pattern the early church followed when they met.
NOTE: the early church's priorities were to worship God and uplift the brethern.
The church came together for worship and edification; then it scattered to evangelize
the world.
The church's strategy has never been to appeal to the world on the world's terms.
The church should not invite non-believers into the church's meetings, follow the
example of (Acts 2:42) "Be the church" God will add to the body as He wills not
as we will.
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