Matthew 9:12-13 (NASB)
"It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick.
But go and learn what this means: 'I desire compassion, and not sacrifice, for I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners".
We see the real love of Jesus throughout the 9th chapter of Matthew.
From the time Jesus gets off the boat we see Him healing a paralytic, not only heals him but forgives his sins.
Then Jesus decides to have lunch with a bunch of sinners, and, tax collectors.
This is where He meets Matthew and asks him to be his disciple. The Pharisees are enraged !!
The Pharisees thought they were doing everything right by obeying every jot and tittle of the law.
But they had missed the point completely,
It wasnt their sacrifice Jesus was concerned with.
Jesus only cared about how compassionate they were with their neighbor
We see as we intersect the above verse that Jesus was defining His mission,
He had come to earth to help sinners, people who are struggling, people who are separated from God,
people living in extreme poverty, the sick, and, the needy.
Now I ask are you trying hard as were the Pharisees to uphold the law ?
Or are you looking at the world with such Compassion as was Jesus ?
Look on down to verse 36,
Again we see Jesus seeing the people He felt Compassion.
We that call ourselves Christians, Followers of Jesus,
or Disciples must first and foremost see the world around us just as Jesus did, "WITH COMPASSION"
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