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Romans 1:16 - For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Memorial Day Note

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As we encounter another Memorial Day and many families will have time off work,
vacationing, having a great time as families all together.

Yet it all brings me to the point of this message.

Memorial Day has such a different meaning to many American families,many memories of our family members that we will never see again because they made a choice to take the stand to fight for Americas Freedom that allows our families to vacation and have fun without the fear of being hurt or killed by acts of war and terror.

We here at UNASHAMED STREET MINISTRY want to say thank you to each and every man, and woman that choose to serve our great country.

These warriors did not have to be drafted into the service, they each make a moral choice to serve the greatest country in all the land.

So from us here at Unashamed Street Ministry to every Soldier, past and present, we want to say thank you and GOD BLESS EACH OF YOU !!!!

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