
Thursday, February 7, 2013


Lets just cut to the chase to make this simple.
Seek it out for yourselves please !!!
I simply do not believe in a Pre - Tribulation Rapture.
We have so many church's and preachers today preaching
and believing in the Pre - Trib Rapture.
Lets take a look at what the bible clearly states.

Jesus said take heed lest no man deceive you.

Matthew .5-14 all speak about the End Time.
6.wars and rumours of wars, 7.nation against nation,
8-9 sorrow and affliction, 10-12 false profits and sin,
13. But he that endure until the end be saved.
14. The gospel preached to all the world, only then
shall shall the end come.

O.K. we see no rapture yet huh,??

Matthew 15-20, The abomination of desolation.
We see here a warning of great terror.

Matthew. 21-28.  The Tribulation.
Here we see the coming of the anti Christ,
verse 26 tells you do not be tricked !!

Nowhere in any of those verses is there a verse stating
that Christians, Believers, The Elect, will be carried away by 
a rapture. There was no beam me up Scotty !!!!!

All questions or comments are welcome !!!

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