
Monday, December 31, 2012


Unashamed Street Ministry would like to wish everyone a
wonderful, and, productive NEW YEAR in the Lord Jesus Christ.

My prayer for each of you is that you will be set free by the 
power of the indwelling Spirit.
We all must allow the Holy Spirit to do the work in us and to 
continue to bring us to rightousness.
I pray that all of you will be baptized and filled with the power 
of the Holy Spirit.
We must be transformed by the renewing of our minds, and this
is only obtainable by the Holy Spirit living and working in each 
of us.
My hopes are that you will search out the gifts of the Spirit and 
that your lives will be empowered forever, that you will be able to
do everything Jesus did and more.
This year lets turn to the Spirit to empower our lives and live 
to bring others to Christ and bring glory to God as we live in 
heaven on earth.

may God bless you and your in 2013 !!!!!!!!!

U N A S H A M E D    S T R E E T    M I N I S T R Y  !!!!!!!!!!

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