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Romans 1:16 - For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes

Monday, September 10, 2012

HE WAS MURDERED !!!!!!!!!!!!

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I cant help but to share His pain. To share in all He took on because of"me". 
Isaiah 53 describes it best. How often we hear of His death, burial, and, resurrection.
Yet, we fail to mention the judgement. Yes Jesus was judged justly, just as you or I.
He was judged for what? He did nothing, He was blameless, found without fault.
It was for our sins that he was judged, and with that judgement He was sent to endure Hell.
3 days latter He rose again, after defeating Satan. Yes we are redeemed !!! 
I just want you to think about not only the Murder, but the Judgement. 
He took on what was meant for all sinners. God couldnt even look at him.
I just cant help but to want to cry because of what I put the only sinnless man through.
I hope that you to will think of His Judgement as well, and not only the Murder that occured. 
Thanks until next time, Love n Pease. 

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