Galatians. 3:22
We see here that as a jailer shuts up prisoners, the scripture,
personified here, has shut up all mankind under sin, not that
the law might be kept by the imprisoned sinners but that Gods
promise might be given to the believers by faith in Christ.
Galatians. 3:23-29
But since Christ has come Gods people should no longer be kept under the law.
Since faith in Christ has come, we do not need to be under the guarding law any longer !!
We are now sons of full age, outgrown the guardian.
Under the old testament, Gods chosen people were considered
Now under the new testament, they are considered sons of full age, who will inherit the promised blessing - the all inclusive Spirit of Christ.
Faith in Christ brings us into Christ, making us one with Christ, in whom is the sonship.
We must be identified with Christ through faith so that in Him we may be sons of God.
To believe is to believe into Christ (John.3:16), and to be baptized is to be baptized into Christ.
By both faith, and, baptism we have entered into Christ,
therefore we have put on Christ.
Abraham has only one seed, Christ, so to be Abraham's seed we must be of Christ.
Because we are one with Christ, we to are Abraham's seed,
heirs according to promise,inheriting Gods promised blessing.