Monday, December 31, 2012
Unashamed Street Ministry would like to wish everyone a
wonderful, and, productive NEW YEAR in the Lord Jesus Christ.
My prayer for each of you is that you will be set free by the
power of the indwelling Spirit.
We all must allow the Holy Spirit to do the work in us and to
continue to bring us to rightousness.
I pray that all of you will be baptized and filled with the power
of the Holy Spirit.
We must be transformed by the renewing of our minds, and this
is only obtainable by the Holy Spirit living and working in each
of us.
My hopes are that you will search out the gifts of the Spirit and
that your lives will be empowered forever, that you will be able to
do everything Jesus did and more.
This year lets turn to the Spirit to empower our lives and live
to bring others to Christ and bring glory to God as we live in
heaven on earth.
may God bless you and your in 2013 !!!!!!!!!
U N A S H A M E D S T R E E T M I N I S T R Y !!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, December 29, 2012
I am so excited about the NEW YEAR !!!!
Excited to see where God leads us and my heart is
crying to share His word, He has really been putting some awesome messages on my heart that need to be
When I go a week or more without sharing His word
my heart cries out for more of Jesus.
That helps to confirm with me that I am on the right
path with my relationship with Christ.
We all must want more of Him, we must desire Him,
search Him out.
He is everything we need, He is our provider of all things, our comforter and He desires a relationship with us, and wants us all to come to Him.
How much of yourself will you choose to give Him this year ?
Will you desire more of Him than you did last year or is one day a week enough for you ??
I challenge everyone that reads this this to search for Him daily !! Desire a relationship with Him, ask Him to come live inside you and guide and direct your every step.
Take the next step in your relationship with Him.
No longer settle for just being a fan but rather desire to be a Follower !!
Watch the transformation in your life when you truly desire to give Him all of yourself, to die to yourself and live for Him at any cost !!!
He doesn't care for Fans, He wants Followers, He calls for you to give up EVERYTHING to Follow Him.
I'm asking if you have what it takes to make this decision to Follow Him completely, no matter the cost it will be worth it !!!!!!
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013 !!!!!!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
There are a number of scriptures that that do much more than hint at
the fact if you are indeed following Jesus it will cost you something.
Luke. 6:22. "Blessed are you when men hate you, when they exclude you
and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man.
2 Timothy. 3:12. "Everyone who wants to live a Godly life in Christ Jesus
will be persecuted".
Philippians. 1:29. For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only
to believe on Him, but also to suffer for Him".
Am I really carrying a cross if there is no suffering and sacrifice ??
When is the last time that following Jesus cost you something ??
When was the last time that following Jesus cost you a relationship ? vacation ? promotion ?
Can you really say that you are indeed carrying your cross if it has never cost you anything ?
If there is no sacrifice involved or if your not the least bit uncomfortable,
then there is a good chance that you aren't carrying a cross at all.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
There is such a reason behind and a meaning to the word obedience.
Just as in our youth when we were obedient to our parents we often
received rewards.
The same is true today in our obedience to God.
God the Father loves to reward our obedience, He rewards our obedience
with blessings.
If you want God to bless you or your family we must realize that there is
a way in witch we all must live.
We must live obediently, following in His will and His commands.
God does not bless our disobedience, or what we know as sin.
When and only when we repent from our sin and begin to live for God
will we begin to see His blessings in our lives.
Plain and simple, God does not bless our sin !!!!
Begin to live in obedience and you can live a blessed and favored life.
Let His blessings flow, live obediently, God loves you and therefore He
wants to bless each of you.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Tis The Season
As we are in the Christmas Season I cant help but to think of the true meaning behind it all.
First thing that comes to mind is baby Jesus was born.
The celebration of the life of Jesus, our Savior, the second Adam.
But the greatest thing that comes to mind is through this life of Blessings
must come the Death, through His Death comes everyones, Forgiveness, Healing, Salvation.
More than the celebration of Jesus birth, I think of the reason why He was born.
He was born to show us how to live, and, He was born to die.
His death is as important as His birth.
So as we go about our days in this season, lets remember the true meaning of Christmas.
Jesus had to be born on this day so that in turn He could give His life so that we could have life.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
We tend to define belief as the acceptance of something as real or true.
But biblical belief is more than just an intellectual acceptance or a
heartfelt acknowledgement; it is a COMMITMENT TO FOLLOW.
Following by definition requires more than mental assent, it calls for
One of the reasons our churches can become Fan Factories is
that we have separated the message of "Belief" from the message "Follow".
After separating the two messages they get out of balance.
Now I ask you to evaluate if your church "Believes" or "Follows"?
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